Working for Watersheds: How BC Can Grow a World-Class Watershed Sector

Creating a Blue DialogueWebinar Event July 2021 Creating a Blue Dialogue

B.C.’s watershed sector puts tens of thousands of British Columbians to work each year in jobs and projects that directly contribute to watershed health. However, the demand for watershed solutions is increasing. Actions to accelerate watershed sector growth and expand employment opportunities over the next 10 years will be essential to get ahead of growing watershed issues, create sustainable career pathways, and avoid exorbitant costs from water-related crises and disasters.

Drawing on key findings from the Working for Watersheds study (Delphi, 2021), this webinar, held on July 13, 2021, explored the real opportunity to grow a world-class watershed sector in B.C. and highlight community-driven work happening now in watersheds across the province.

Speakers Rosie Simms (POLIS) and Tim Morris (BC Freshwater Legacy Initiative) set the stage, discussing the current economic impact of B.C.’s watershed sector, as well as its growth potential.

Ben Clark (Delphi Group) shared key conclusions from the Working for Watersheds study, including the need for a provincial Watershed Security Fund and ideas for addressing funding barriers to Indigenous-led initiatives and employment.

Discussant Zita Botelho (Watersheds BC) shared progress on the Healthy Watersheds Initiative (HWI), a $27 million program funded as part of the B.C. government’s economic recovery plan. HWI is supporting B.C.’s economic recovery through investments in more than 60 local watershed conservation and restoration projects across B.C.

A recording of the webinar can be watched here.