MapKootenay Lake PartnershipThe Kootenay Lake Partnership brings together multiple agencies and governments to develop integrated and collaborative approaches to lake management planning to allow for a healthy and product lake, with balanced land and water uses that support and sustain environmental,...
MapNicola Basin CollaborativeFacilitated by the Fraser Basin Council, the Nicola Basin Collaborative’s mission is to develop and apply a collaborative, multidisciplinary approach to watershed management – a working model that can be applied to other watersheds. The Collaborative is guided by a......
MapCoquitlam River Watershed RoundtableThe Coquitlam River Watershed Roundtable coordinates and implements activities that promote the long-term sustainability of the Coquitlam River watershed. It is supported by a Core Committee that represents key interest groups in the watershed.
MapOkanagan Basin Water BoardGoverned by a board that includes the three Okanagan regional districts, the Okanagan Nation Alliance, the Water Supply Association of BC, and the Okanagan Water Stewardship Council, the Okanagan Basin Water Board provides leadership on water issues throughout the basin,...
MapCowichan Watershed BoardCo-chaired by Cowichan Tribes and the Cowichan Valley Regional District, the Cowichan Watershed Board is building local water governance capacity, advocating for the health of the watershed, and advancing its role in decision-making.
ResourcesPathways and Partnerships: A Framework for Collaboration and Reconciliation in the Cowichan WatershedJanuary 2019Cowichan Tribes, Cowichan Valley Regional District, Cowichan Watershed Board, and POLIS Water Sustainability Project
ResourcesCommunity Engagement in Watershed Governance: Case Studies and Insights from the Upper Columbia River BasinJune 2018Columbia Basin Trust, Living Lakes Canada, & POLIS Water Sustainability Project
ResourcesHandbook for Water Champions: Strengthening Decision-Making and Collaboration for Healthy WatershedsApril 2019POLIS Water Sustainability Project & Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources