NewsAnnouncement on BC’s investment in watershed healthApril 22, 2022 Earlier this week, a landmark commitment of $30 million to continue to improve B.C.’s watersheds was announced. We are pleased to share that half of the funding ($15 million) will be provided to Watersheds BC through the MakeWay Foundation...
ResourcesBC Watershed Security Fund: A Collaborative VisionDecember 2021Sustainable Funding Working Group
ResourcesCase Studies: Examining Local Government Sustainable Funding Mechanisms in B.C.December 2019Watersheds BC
ResourcesLessons Learned: The Sustainable Funding for Watershed Governance InitiativeDecember 2019Watersheds BC
News$27 million investment in BC watershed jobs will make our province stronger, healthier and more secureDecember 17, 2020Coree Tull, co-chair of the Watershed Security Coalition, acknowledges the significance of the Government of BC’s investment in watershed security to support those most heavily impacted by COVID-19. See the full announcement here.
ResourcesGovernment Freshwater Leadership: The Regional District of Nanaimo’s Drinking Water and Watershed Protection Program
MapRegional District of Nanaimo Drinking Water and Watershed Protection ProgramThe Regional District of Nanaimo’s Drinking Water and Watershed Protection (DWWP) program helps protect the region’s water resources. The program is guided by an Action Plan with seven project areas and is aimed at learning more about water in the...
ResourcesHandbook for Water Champions: Strengthening Decision-Making and Collaboration for Healthy WatershedsApril 2019POLIS Water Sustainability Project & Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources